Publications by Eric Miller about sustainability economics
This list excludes consulting reports provided to clients which were not published or allowed to be shared.
- Miller, Eric. 2018. Minimum ecology in Maximum Canada: A review from an ecological economics perspective. Canadian Studies in Population, 45(1-2), pp.89-93.
- Miller, Eric. 2018. NAFTA and Free Trade: An Ecological Economics Perspective. Online for the Sustainability Network in Toronto.
- Miller, Eric. 2018. The Economics of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity in Ontario (TEEBO): A 2018 update with new knowledge and considerations. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
- Miller, Eric. 2018. The price ain’t right. Alternatives Journal, 43(2&4), pp.103.
- Miller, Eric. 2017. Government Budgets as if Sustainability Mattered. Online for the Sustainability Network in Toronto.
- Miller, Eric. 2017. Socio-economic impact analysis. Chapter 3.9 in: Review of effectiveness of investments in renewable energy for social and affordable housing. Prepared by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for Evergreen, for the Ontario Ministry of Housing.
- Miller, Eric. 2016. The Case for Ecological Economics. Alternatives Journal, 42(4), pp.11,79.
- Miller, Eric and Jeff Wilson. 2013. Value of current cottage leases in Algonquin and Rondeau provincial parks. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
- Miller, Eric & Patrick Lloyd-Smith. 2012. The Economics of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity in Ontario: Assessing the knowledge and gaps. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ontario Biodiversity Council.
- Miller, Eric & Peter Victor. 2007. Ecological Economics: An Introduction to this Special Issue. Journal of Bioeconomics 9(3): 201-203.
- Miller, Eric. 2004. A Treatise on the Ecological Economics of Money. MES Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Environmental Studies.
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